That's just silly. But even I, unobservant, absent-minded and possibly a bit slow on the uptake, notice things some times. It does help if people point them out, of course. The 'x' thing is an example.
It turns out, also, that I am living in interesting times, as the old Chinese curse goes. Generally I have found that life goes along and goes along and goes along some more. Ho bloody hum indeed. But now, well now, I think maybe I should buy some hat pins. And, as Sir Montague Revesby found, a workmanlike hatpin in the fleshy part of the arm is not to be despised. I like things to have more than one use. it's more fitting for the times.
It turns out, also, that I am living in interesting times, as the old Chinese curse goes. Generally I have found that life goes along and goes along and goes along some more. Ho bloody hum indeed. But now, well now, I think maybe I should buy some hat pins. And, as Sir Montague Revesby found, a workmanlike hatpin in the fleshy part of the arm is not to be despised. I like things to have more than one use. it's more fitting for the times.